Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Comparison of Teaching Methodology (Pusat Jagaan Ilham and Tadika Anugerah Bestari) According to Their Methods and Pre-school Environment.

Pusat Jagaan Ilham
METHOD:They are using Cahayaku as their teaching methods which is manual. This teaching learning   approaches are adopted by their own method Cahayaku is a book that has been used for children around 4,5 and 6 years old. Cahayaku book has 2 level which are book 1 and book 2. The book 1 is containing with simple letters and combination of two vowel and consonant. Eg: ma mi mu me me mo for book 1, is containing with more than two letters Eg: man min mun men men mun and in last page of the book can be found a short story.

ENVIRONMENT: The environment in the Pusat Jagaan Ilham is very interesting and colourful  It is very interest that children come to school everyday. Even we also interested with the colourful wall and pencils gate of the kindergarten. But there are several comment for the inside of the classrooms. It is supposed not to much colour on the wall just put something might be, flash card or picture and alphabate or number. But, we just very satisfied with the colourful environment. We would like to give two thumbs up for Pusat Jagaan Ilham.

Tadika Anugerah Bestari
METHOD: They are using mass program which is they approach children in the computer first and then they will apply to the book. Mass program is a program that contain in the computer called as mass program and the later, teacher give children the book so that they can write inside the book. They also approach in phoenix sound direct reading towards children and individual reading one to one catched up to read and write in English very well.

ENVIRONMENT: It is not full of joyful environment because they have no such thing as colourful wall paper and not that clean and also untidy properties.

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