Tuesday 5 February 2013


Fatmah as the woodcutter.

Just the three of us :)

Have fun, go mad!

Fairy is coming..

I live in Jungle..

Searching for some woods..

I'm a vision..

I'm poor and I'm old..

Yeah.. I'm woodcutter.. 

Who are you?

What a lake!

Fatmah and Thaufiqah.

I promise I'll help you..

I come out from the water when I hear a sad voice..

Help me, Fairy...

Honey, I'm home.. I got 3 axes!

Husband and wife.

Let's sing!

"The World's Greatest"

Thank you Radhiyah for helping us!

"We're All In This Together"

Today's outfit :)

"A Whole New World"

Thaufiqah and her beautiful voice :)
Someone took her picture.

The four of us with our beloved lecturer, Miss Sara :)

Thank you Miss Sara! You are so beautiful :')