Saturday 22 December 2012

We are...

Nurhazami Binti Abdullah

Fatmah Ayudhia Amani

Siti Nur Thaufiqah Binti Usman

Siti Khadijah Binti MOhd Khair

Asslamualaikum to all brothers and sisters, we would like to share this blog as one of our project for English For Pre-School (CEC2236). Miss Sara asked us to make a blog and share our experience when we go to pre-school to interview the headmaster. Miss Sara prepares the questions then we have to compare two diferrent methods of teaching english then we have to record a video. Alhamdulillah we have done one step, which is designing the blog. We will share more our experiences later on.. We would like to say 'bismillahirrahmanirahim' to begin this project. Pray for us guys! See you soon :)

With love,

Kuala Lumpur, December 23rd 2012